10 June 2009
My but the weather has turned cold. The mornings I look like a snowman from the North Pole. I must look a sight! My beanie is getting some use at last along with a pair of suede glove that Granddad Emeal gave me about three winters back. When it’s time to go out and tend to the animals the scarf is wrapped around my neck and partly up my face. I’m then ready to brace the bone chilling wind outside.
This afternoon I decided to be brave. I thought I’d collect the firewood and try and chop some up. This was quite a funny experience really but apart from how hilarious I must have looked, it was quite a strenuous attempt too. I felt like Kate Winslett in “The Titanic” with the axe in my hands. It was a case of hit and miss. Well firstly, the job of just getting the logs to stand up straight was a feat on its own. Then to hit the same spot twice if I didn’t dig the heavy axe into the log deep enough was the second feat. I built up quite a sweat I will tell you! It was time to peel off some layers. First to go was the beanie followed by the scarf and then the gloves and jumper were the last to go. I wasn’t even cold by then. I was sure that this endeavor was going to render me useless tomorrow. I could feel my muscles stretching to the limit. Once I had completed the pile of logs and turned them in firewood I stood back panting but admiring my handiwork. Sjoe was that hard work or what! I did it though which just goes to show you, one can achieve anything if you set your mind to it! Feeling rather pleased with myself I went to get my camera for proof. Jonathan was not going to believe that I did this. I don’t think I’ll do this job again though, that is for sure.
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