11 June 2009
This morning Michaela woke up and could hardly swallow anything. Her throat felt like there were razorblades in it. I decided to keep her home and take her to the doctor. I had received word last night that the Austrolop chicks were ready for collection so figured we could collect them and then go to the doctor on the way back. The address was about an hour from us and so after making the doctor’s appointment Michaela and I set off to pick up the chicks. They are the most adorable little things out! They are black with yellow bellies. After this we went to the doctor. It turns out Micky has tonsillitis, the poor thing. No wonder she was complaining so much. We picked up medication and left for home.
I rigged up the light Johnny has made for the chicks and gave them food and water. They seem rather happy. My major concern is to keep these little things alive. It’s going to be intense for about the first eight weeks or so. Ingrid did say she guarantees the chick and if any die in the first six weeks she will replace them. She also said that if it happens that we land up with more than one rooster then she will replace them too. So all in all it’s a good service.
My muscles are aching from my superwoman activity yesterday. I think tonight I will take a long hot bath to ease my aching muscles. I’m definitely not going to do that job again. I need my head read as my Dad would say!
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