Monday, December 31, 2012

My wheelbarrow garden

I've recently discovered just how easy it is to grow most succulents and some cactus plants.   My dear friend Val, is a lady of many resources.  She is talented in many art forms.  The list goes on and on.  She's so good at cooking, baking, flower arranging, gardening, card making, arts and crafts.  She is just amazing and so full of energy.  Well, one day while visiting her I picked up the idea of a wheelbarrow garden.  She had one that was flourishing with these succulents.  They were so colourful with their tiny little yellow, orange and red flowers.  The best part was how easy they were to grow.   She taught me all I know about these tiny little treasures.  A few cuttings from her plant and all I had to do was regularly  break off an established piece and stick it back in the soil taking care not to replicate the same colour in the same area.   I continued to do this regularly over the next few weeks and before I knew it, I had a beautifully flowering barrow garden.   Obviously the tender loving care with daily watering makes a big different but just how easily is that and you have some lovely colour in your garden along with recycling an old wheel barrow that was just going to land in the tip otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is a very creative idea, looks great! Well done and thanks to Val for sharing her ideas too!
