Everybody deserves a second chance. Ozzie has been very unfortunate with his feet. Looking back over the way we bought him, cared for him and maintain him I am conscious of many mistakes, some mine, some not. When we set out looking for a horse for Michaela, we all had starry eyes. We didn’t care what breed it was, what sex it was or even how old it was. All we wanted was a horse to call our own. It has been this blind ignorance that has caused much growth in us as a family as we have been stretched in every area. Perhaps a stockhorse, a quarter horse or a welsh pony might have been a better choice but that wasn’t what was meant for us. We ended up with Ozzie, a beautiful white flea bitten (it’s a colour for those who are thinking differently) thoroughbred. We were told he was 17 hands and 12 years old and blindly we trusted and believed that. People lie! Four years down the lane now and much truth has been exposed. Ozzie’s teeth tell a different story and he is much older than claimed. Disappointed in humanity, we lovingly accepted the fact that Ozzie would be with us for the rest of his days and that it was going to be a shorter journey that we thought. Over the years Oz has had numerous issues with his feet. Thoroughbreds are very high maintenance horses to have. They are prone to many problems and with Oz we have walked blindly sometimes, at other times with costly vet bills and wrong advice from well-meaning people. I’ve trusted Farriers and been let down too by so called professionals in the field. Finally we have arrived in a good place with Oz. I have found an Equine Podiatrist who is very affordable and helpful. Ozzie’s feet are looking wonderful at last. I hold my breath while saying that and truly hope we are at the end of the road with the feet issues. Three more trims and he would have completely grown new hooves. Much stronger and healthier than ever before.
When I think back on the past 6 to 8 months and the dilemma I had deciding the fate of Ozzie, I sigh with relieve. He is happy and healthy and I can’t ask for more of that. He got a second chance at life.
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