My heart – my home
Chapter seven
11 August 2009
It’s been so long since I’ve written in this diary. So much has happened and I do really hope to remember it all. I’m thankful to have our second computer so I’m not totally cut off from the world of cyber space however my emailing has been axed since the computer decided to down tools and strike! It’s gone in for repairs and so I have been unable to receive or send emails for roughly three weeks now. I’m having withdrawal symptoms and so miss the contact with all my loyal reading.
The wheels of progress still turn here at Pine Haven and the office has taken shape nicely. The new laminated floor has been successfully laid and the skirting boards are in. I cleaned the windows so you can now see through them in the office. I honestly think this was the first clean they ever got, well at least the dirt that came off appeared that way. Apart from that it’s just a few touch up’s to do now with the paint and then we can move the furniture into the office at long last. Johnny fixed the telephone point and at the same time set up another phone next to our bed so no more sprinting if the phone rings late at night. Yay! I can’t remember if I wrote about the front rose bed? Please bear with me if I have. At long last it is completely free of weeds and the best part of it all is that I did that with my own two hands. There were times I was so ready to throw in the towel, but perseverance won out at the end of the day and now I can look over the bed with such a sense of accomplishment and pride. Anything is possible to those who are determined I say.
The cows have given me some grey hairs I’m afraid to say. As far as we were concerned when we purchased these cows, part of the deal was that they were supposed to be pregnant. About three weeks back I took notice that Kiara in particular appeared to look like she was on heat again. The next day Queenie and Crystal also started behaving strangely. Of course this is rather annoying as it means “NO CALFS” AND “NO MILKING” as we anticipated. The only way to establish if they are indeed pregnant is to do the test. For all you city slickers out there I will tell you this means we need a vet and a cattle crush to keep them still while the vet sticks his arm into the cow’s bottom to check what is happening in the uterus. Unfortunately for us the crush is very costly and not in our reach yet. Without this piece of equipment I doubt the vet will accomplish much. I did call David, the breeder who sold us Kiara and he told me to keep a close eye on them. It is really irritating to say the least. Johnny and I have not decided what to do about this situation yet. There is always the option of getting a bull but that might be costly and I’m not ready for that yet.
Today I got my first duck egg, which is so amazing. I was undecided on what to do about it. Do I remove it or do I leave it. I eventually decided to remove it, as she wasn’t sitting on it. The problem is, I move her during the day and I think this is disrupting the process. Johnny and I will have to work on getting her settled in the pond area permanently. I think the warmer weather will see some changes as well. This morning I heard the baby austrolop rooster crow for the first time too. They are down in the kennels now and have grown so much. I’m still not sure how many roosters I landed up with but I’m sure I’ll find out pretty soon. Ingrid has promised to swop them with others she has.
29th of July 2009 brought around another anniversary. This was not our wedding anniversary but our immigration anniversary. We past two years and decided to have a huge celebration to commemorate it. It was a wonderful shin din filled with friends and loads of food. We are slowly growing roots in our new country.
Yesterday Johnny took a day off work and we all went off to spend the day at the EKKA. This is when the farm comes to the city in the form of an agricultural show. It was a day filled with fun and interesting sights. Johnny and I had our fill of the farming facts and cattle shows. We saw dairy goats and studied the sheep too. We admired the various different breeds of poultry and watched as the cattle paraded before the judges. We learnt a valuable tip for further labors with sheep. When Mum is ready to start labor she pounds the ground with her hoof. This is a good indication that labor is imminent. The kids wag their tails in mum’s face as they drink. This is a bonding thing between mom and lamb. The children enjoyed some lighthearted fun at the fare and came home armed with teddies and lollies deluxe. The fare of course was the high light of their day. Nothing like noisy dodgem cars and fairy floss to draw crowds. After that it was still one more stop to the show bags pavilion for the children. They had been waiting all day for this one. It was overfill as usual and one had to fight to get served. We survived and at last left the busy pavilion. Exhausted but happy we trudged back to the car and made our way back to our quiet country house and away from the big city lights.
12 August 2009
This morning very early Johnny’s internal alarm clock had gone off and he was in the office touching up the paintwork. I awoke to the smell of paint drifting down the passage. Very soon the furniture will move in to its designated spots. The days are getting much warmer of late. It won’t be long now until I can pack away the winter willies and the evening fires will be a thing of the past.
Today was a public holiday. It was the official Ekka holiday. It was so nice to have Johnny spend the day with us again. Jonathan had plans to go off for the day to a friend. Johnny, Michaela and I got productive and got stuck into cleaning out the shed in the duck pond enclosure in order to settle Daisy in there. Nothing like some hard work to keep one occupied. The shed was fill of very old wood, half eaten away by ants and totally useless. Those logs had been there untouched for some time I imagine. There were heaps of wasp nests and spiders galore that weren’t too happy about being booted out. They just would not do and had to go. It gives me the creepy crawlies just thinking about it now. Anyway it was a job that had to be done and it was done and dusted before we knew it. We still need to go back and perhaps give the roof a last sweep, then to rearrange the nesting boxes for the ducks. Hopefully Daisy, my female duck will find the place acceptable and she will sit on her eggs in the shed and hopefully one day we will have a few new ducklings around about. Donald has become extremely touchy now that Daisy is laying eggs. Today I actually thought he wanted to charge me. I will have to watch behind me from now on.
This afternoon was gone before I knew what hit me. I vacuumed the car, which was long overdue I might add and Spot got a bath. How can time fly so fast?
13 August 2009
Today was one of those busy, exhausting days. I only have myself to blame for that as I set up all the appointments. It started off with taking spot to the vet to be de-sexed and then onto Toyota to have the carpet replaced in the car. It had started to fray in one place and needed to be fixed. While I waited for the car to be sorted out I took a walk to a nearby shopping center and wasted away the hours until finally the car was ready to collect. There is nothing like wasted time to tired one out. Then next was the return trip to collect a very dopey puppy. I received strict instructions to keep him quiet and not to let him lick the stitches. Hmm, how was I going to pull that one off? That is like asking a child with ADHD to sit still.
The afternoon was gone in a flash and before I knew it suppertime was here and Johnny was home from work. I rushed off to get some pizza to feed my hungry brood while Johnny attended to the animals.
I returned and was welcomed home by the tragic news of the death of one of the baby chicks. I had left the bucket of water for the duck in the same pen that the chicks have been spending the day in. It must have flown up and fallen in and couldn’t get out. What a silly mistake that was. I was very annoyed with myself. Daisy the duck had gone missing too. It was really strange as Donald was still up in the pond but Daisy was gone. We could only think she has gone and made a nest somewhere and was hiding. It was rather dark by now and so we had to go get the torches. We looked far and wide but couldn’t find her. Jonathan then thought to go and check the bottom dam and there madam was without a care in the world. She didn’t mind that our dinner was getting rather cold inside while we were out looking for her! Silly old duck! The chase was on now that we had discovered her, and around and around she swam, in and out of the reeds as if she was taunting us. Eventually after collecting Donald and letting him loose onto the dam, she came out in the open and we were able to guide them both back up for the night. Exhausted and very hungry we came inside to cold pizza – Yummy… I think not!
14 August 2009
Today was hectic but which day isn’t anymore? This pace has to stop soon. It’s crazy just how many “to do’s” I have. All the caps us mom’s wear during the course of the day gets me tired just thinking of them all.
Spotty had a quiet restful night and very obediently went outside to do his “business” during the night and early morning. I think he’s rather enjoying the extra attention.
I finally got Jonathan into the doctor who confirmed my suspicion that he needed an antibiotic. After the doctor’s we rushed off to do some very needed shopping. I was out of the very basic of a pantry cupboard. From there we rushed around to various shops and then stopped off at a new supply store. They were much more expensive so decided to skip buying there and revert back to my normal supplier. From there we went to hand in the desexing certificate to the council. Jonathan decided he would like to get some books from the library and I thought I could pick up a novel too. Yer right, where am I going to get time to read? I’m determined to make it! I was so tired by the time I got home and then I still had to submit a tax return online, which took me about an hour to figure out and do. I looked again at the clock on the wall and you guessed it – where had the day gone. I threw in a load of washing and went down to sort the animals out. Daisy had done a disappearing act again but this time I had the good sense and the daylight on my side. I located her and herded her back up to her pen. I think she might be making a nest in the reeds on the dam perhaps.
I ran a deep bath and regained some vigor. My pillows were again calling loud and clear.
15th August 2009
Michaela started her horse-riding lesson on a Saturday morning instead of the usual Thursday evening, which is great. The riding school had moved premises to expand but this meant a further 15 minutes to our trip. We were out of the house by 8 o’ clock. Jonathan had gone visiting and it was just lonesome old me at home for the morning. I got stuck into some really needed laundry and in-between I picked up that book I had grabbed at the library yesterday. I’m determined to make a go of reading again. The afternoon brought Johnny home and we got busy moving the furniture into the office. I moved my pine bookcase in aswell but didn’t like the look of it. It was getting on in age and was in need of a coat of paint and so out it went again. The painting of the bookcase passed the afternoon. Jonathan brought his friend home and they got stuck into building a tree house in a very big tree out in the paddock. It kept them amused and they had great fun in the process.
16th August 2009
Today I crossed the ravine to look at the other side. I felt like I was walking through the jungle for a bit and felt like a pioneer again. The trees are densely populated in one spot. To cross the ravine there is a very large tree trunk, which has fallen down across it. It was a fairly sturdy tree trunk in its day but time has caused decay to set in and the tree has become rather hollow in one spot thus causing the person crossing to walk on the outskirts of the trunk. One almost felt like a ballerina! Okay not quite but you get the general picture I hope. Spot was ever so game as usual and swam across to meet me on the other side. Rather him than me in that water. I mean who knows what is in there. Hmm… let’s see, what about some leeches, anaconda’s maybe? Spot was fine and of course my paranoid mind was at peace once he reached the other side. There is still roughly one and half acre on the other side of the ravine. It’s fairly wooded but would make a wonderful spot for a cabin. If only we could find a way to build a bridge over the ravine to be able to take the tractor and material over the other side. It is really rustic and untouched there. I’m going to do some research and find out if I could purchase a cabin already made perhaps. It would be so neat if this dream came true.
24 August 2009
The weather has changed and we are heading straight for Spring. I’m enjoying the longer days and most of all the fact that I don’t need to walk around with three layers of clothes anymore. I will need to make a cupboard exchange again fairly soon. This weekend brought Jonathan’s final rugby game for the season. Unfortunately they didn’t win and he was rather disillusioned. It has been an extra long season as they had a few semi final games to go. Now that the rugby season is officially closed, mister is looking to play another summer sport. America football. The good thing is that it is right here in the next suburb so there shouldn’t be racing all over the country side to practice and games. We will see what happens though. He might just decide not to join.
Johnny attached a tap to fill up the cow’s water trough, which means no more dragging of the hosepipe down to the trough. It will be great to just open the tap and out comes the dam water. He also sorted out the front pump in order for me to water my flowerbeds from the dam aswell. I busied myself with painting my bookshelf with what seemed like 100 coats! Okay I’m exaggerating but it was frustrating how many it needed. Sunday night Johnny re assembled it for me but I still cannot pack my books on it. It still a little sticky to the touch, so I’m forced to wait yet another day or too. I climbed onto the ride on and cut the front lawn again. It will be lovely to watch the grass come back to life after winter.
Missy sore bottom (the Isa brown chicken) got another rumble and tumble by spot. She has recovered and there was no damage done this time. I caught Spot before she was hurt. He always attacked her. Perhaps he senses she is the weaker one. How he got in is a mystery and so I will have to find out where. The hen laid an egg the following day so she isn’t too traumatized this time. Thank goodness for that!
I touched a stinging nettle on Sunday for the first time. I really understand now why they call it “stinging”. It was an awful sensation. My fingers felt hot and itchy. Thankfully it didn’t hurt for too long. It serves me right for not having my gardening gloves on.
Well today is Monday and as Monday’s would be there is always a list of chores to be taken care of. Spot will have his stitches out today. Michaela is coughing badly again so it’s back to the doctor for her… I’ve been there so many times this winter and honestly am glad that the season is coming to an end with all its coughs and colds. I’m so tired of everyone being sick. Even me, as I sit here now am battling with a cough, not nearly as bad as Michaela though. Jonathan has just recovered and is well again at last. The worst part about this flu is the terrible headache that comes with it. Almost everybody I speak to about it complains about the same thing. Well I guess winter has its pro’s and con’s. That cozy fireplaces of ours, and the grass that doesn’t seem to grow. The spiders and snakes, which join the band of hibernating species and are no longer around. Our thick woolly jumpers and blankets are a constant companion. Cold foggy mornings and misty breath is slowly making way for longer days. Nature is starting to come alive again. The birds celebrate it and the animals seem to embrace it. Roll on summer! We are ready for you.
26 August 2009
Donald the duck has become awfully aggressive and tries to attack my feet each time I go near him – it’s rather annoying! I’m sure it is just because Daisy is laying eggs now. I decided to leave the eggs there in the hope she will become broody soon. I believe duck eggs are very high in protein and don’t taste much different to chook eggs. I’m not too crazy about eating Daisy’s eggs so Spot is the fortunate candidate, not that he is complaining though. Although, as I said latterly I’ve been leaving them in her nest.
28th August 2009
Another Friday rolls around. Yesterday I had Jonathans’ guidance interview at school. My baby boy is choosing subjects and will be started his school based apprenticeship next year. It’s hard to believe the years have gone by so fast. Just the other day it was his first birthday and we were battling to keep his Humpty Dumpty cake together. Johnny put a cake skewer down the center to hold humpty on the wall as he kept falling off, true to the rhyme. I remember putting up the biggest banner I could find. As I think back, it’s like a movie playing in my head. I can visualize it like it was yesterday. Could it really be 15 years ago? We had this incredible birthday party and it felt like I’d invited the entire world. Those were the days of platform trainers and permed hair for me. Dearly love people were part of my world back there. Mom was still alive and her dear friend Petra. I smile now as I remember them sitting on the verandah. Mom had Jonathan on her lap. He was her blue-eyed baby; he could do no wrong in her eyes. She was feeding him cheese curls and chatting to her friend who sat next to her. My long ago memories include people who were happily married and now are in bitter divorces. Some of the company has now immigrated to different parts of the world. I’m reminded again that nothing ever stays the same. Life is constantly changing. These memories I have are locked away in the corners of my heart and although I will never be able to visit this time again I know that the memories are safe in my heart. It’s good to remember some times.
29 August 2009
We just got back from a superb Aussie Barbie. On the way home I saw a dreadful sight. There was a horrifying accident. The car was a write off for sure. The ambulance was there waiting and they were busy working on the driver who was trapped in one of the smashed up car. It again occurred to me how quickly and unintentional accidents happen. One careless mistake on the part of one driver and lives are changed forever. I wondered if either parties were speeding, or under the influence of alcohol? Accidents are such a sad fact of life. I do hope the outcome is a good one.
Today Johnny finally got around to putting up the other gutter. We have heard rain forecasted on Monday so let’s continue to hope the weatherman is accurate. We do need some water, rather earlier than later seeing we have entirely drained the one water tank and now are using the second tank and final batch of water. I decided to wash my car this afternoon. I had, what looked like a bug suicide mission on the front of my car. The poor girl was in dire need of a clean. Johnny jumped on the bandwagon too and I ended up washing the Ute aswell. I had great plans to grout the edges down the passage this afternoon but time ran out. I guess tomorrow is another day. There’s a hot wind blowing outside now. This wind has made everything uncomfortable. The leaves on the trees continue to flow like water to the ground. It’s hard to imagine there are so many leaves on a single tree let alone a number of them. Jonathan raked up the back yard this morning but by this afternoon it looked as if the rake had not been touched. Very disheartening I say. I tried to encourage him as he persevered but we both knew this was a wasted chore and his efforts were in vain. He landed up with a sizeable blister on his hand to show for his hard labor.
I emailed the lady that sold us the goats and asked her for a suitable Billy goat so that we can start breeding. She replied today, to say yes she had one for us and was prepared to sell him at a very reasonable price. I agreed to collect him next Sunday morning. Billy goats have a tendency to be rather bossy so this should be very interesting. The good thing is that he is still young and won’t be ready until early in the New Year, which is a good thing. I haven’t noticed when the girls are in season so I must remember to ask that question. In fact I can’t recall them acting any different from the time they arrived. I must have missed the signs.
31 August 2009
The rain is here at last. Not the heavy hard rain we have been accustomed to in the months past but the good sort, soft and steady. The last minute items to sort on the gutters were taken care of yesterday afternoon. The roof was sweeps free of leaves and the drain pipes were checked to be working properly. Everything was in order and we were ready for the rain. Sometime during the night it started and this morning I awoke to the soft pitter-patter of the drops on the roof. The one thing I did forget to do was take Johnny’s work gear off the line and so now they are soaked!
Yesterday I walked right into a patch of stinging nettle again. Experience is a very good teacher. Hopefully this time I’ll learn my lesson and be more observant! I got stung around the ankles and as I reached down to rub the very tender spot, my hand brushed past the weed and I got stung on the hand too. Nursing my very sore foot and hand I glared down to identify the culprit and made a mental note to come back and eradicate the silly plant. I mean what purpose does a weed like that serve, I ask you! It deserves to land up on top of the bonfire pile and that is precisely what I plan to do with it, once my hand and foot stops throbbing!
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